Around the world in 80 projects
Some of our projects will give you an idea of possible applications for our skills and experience : Fluid mechanics, Acoustics, Prototypes, Mechanics and structures, Design and CAD, Electronics, Computer science, Diagnostic and Analysis, Risk management, Project assistance...
Fluid mechanics
- Fault tree for hydrocarbon storage
- Conception of solutions to prevent the rupture of hydrocarbon tanks
- R&D : Study and design of sea-water desalination units
- Study and solutions against humidity in cave dwellings
- Agricultural yield studies
- R&D : Hydrofoils based ships prototypes
- Hydrodynamic optimisation of diving flippers
- Study and construction of micro-hydroelectric power plants
- Auditing of drinking water treating plants
- Study of electromechanical hydraulic pumps
- Characterisation of the scour on bridge pillars
- Optimisation of an irrigation network
- Water resource management training
- Development of laboratory tools for studying solid transportation
- R&D : Study of sonars, sonographs and ultrasounds
- Flow study of plastic injection moulds
- R&D : Study and conception of acoustic pumps
- Design and creation of a movement modelling system
- Various fluid mechanic models and simulations
- Measurement of the acoustic isolation of buildings
- Architectural acoustic correction
- Studies of the architectural acoustics of recording studios
- Study and completion of movie theatres and home theatres
- Study of architectural acoustics in auditoriums and concert halls
- Design and creation of acoustic speakers
- R&D : Study and conception of a sub-marine localisation device
- Design and creation of acoustic diffusers
- Acoustic treatment of industrial machines
- Noise characterisation of land transportation infrastructures
- R&D : Study of infrasonic waves created by trains leaving a tunnel
- R&D : Noise level study for the rolling of different tire profiles
- Vibro-acoustic measurements of structures
- R&D : Characterisation of material and resonator absorption coefficients
- R&D : Acoustic characterisation of the human earlobe
- Studies of silence by absorption, diffusion and resonance
- R&D : Study of the diffusion of waves according to the geometry and material of the diffuser
- Study of the acousto-mechanical characteristics of ceramic materials
- R&D : Analysis of the effects of infrasounds on humans
- R&D : Analysis of the effects of infrasounds on humans
- R&D : Study and design of acoustic pumps
- Study and construction of private acoustic cabins
- R&D : Prototype of an acoustic camera
Prototypes and engineering samples
- R&D : Acoustic pumps
- Private acoustic cabins
- R&D : Acoustic cameras
- Medical machines
- Para-medical machines
- Sculptures
- Artistic installations
Mechanical structures
- Structure and deployment mechanism for the arm of a satellite
- Conception of a driving interface for a surgery-aiding robot
- Conception and making of numerical control machines
- Optimisation of the polishing process for optical lenses
- Vibro-acoustic measurements of structures
- Study and conception of actuators for multi-legged vehicles
Design, CAD
- Study and conception of solutions for camouflaging GSM antennae
- Implementation of 3D CAD in an industrial design agency
- Conception of a driving interface for a surgery-aiding robot
- Conception and making of numerical control machines
- Design and creation of acoustic speakers
- Computer graphics training
- Conception and creation of medical devices
- Surfaces reconstruction from a picture or a sketch to rebuild disappeared objects
- Design and construction of a datalogger at a minimum cost
- Conception and construction of numerical control machines
- R&D : Study and conception of a sub-marine localisation device
- Design and making of microcontroller and/or DSP cards
- Study and design of various data acquisition cards
- Automatisms and animations control
Data processing
- Design and construction of a data recorder at a minimum cost
- Finite elements calculation codes
- Quality control improvement for an informatics organisation
- Conception of a piloting interface for a surgery-aiding robot
- Creation of a business's information system
- Conception and making of numerical control machines
- Application of neural networks for prediction and regulation
- Mapping of resources and exploitation using neural networks
- Study and conception of autonomous drivers for multi-legged vehicles
- Study and conception of a sub-marine localisation device
- Study and creation of motion capture systems
Diagnostic and Analysis
- Qualitative surveys - State of the art - Market and network studies
- Audit of the technological patrimony of a recycling company
- Modelling of the innovation process in a startup company
- Definition of plans of action
- Analysis of actor chains and strategic positioning
- Identification and study of control and blocking points in the proceeding of a process
- Definition of recommendations
Risk management
- Industrial risk studies on Seveso II sites
- Fault tree for hydrocarbon storage
- Conception of solutions to prevent the rupture of hydrocarbon tanks
- Conception of a piloting interface for a surgery-aiding robot
- Study and conception of a sub-marine localisation device
- Dynamic balance control for motors and alternators
- Study of earth-quake protection for buildings
Project assistance
- Project management advice
- Knowledge capitalisation assistance
- Advice in making prototypes and demonstrators for a patent
- Help deploying ISO 9001 of a Information Technology department
- Running of brain-storming meetings
- Assistance in putting good practices into place
- Communication plan
- Identification of partners and investors
- Assistance in the application of French research tax credit (CIR)
Feel free to contact us for more detail about our acquired skills and possibly get more details about our projects, within the limit of discretion towards our clients, the owners of these studies.